things to do while in self-quarantine

  • 5 years ago

things to do while in self-quarantine

While you might miss being around your family and friends, you do not have to sulk and think about the things that you could have been doing instead think of all self-adventurous activities that would make you feel good.

Read awesome fiction and non-fiction books

Books are always our best friend. so, this is the time use books in a right way. make a schedule for read best books.


One of the best ways to keep spirits up is to work out. Doing some sunrise yoga, pumping iron or keeping up the leg day routine can help to get those endorphins flowing and ward away cabin fever. If one doesn’t own a treadmill or workout equipment, there’s no need to worry. Taking a walk, playing fetch with a dog or even having an impromptu kitchen dance party can all be great ways to burn calories while quarantined. There are also plenty of YouTube workout videos that offer full body and specialized workout routines to fit everyone’s needs.

Make a schedule

People may associate time off with sleeping in and wasting the day away, but doing too much of nothing can start to drive one crazy after a while. One way to fill the long hours and keep up morale is to make a daily schedule. Blocking out specific times for different activities throughout the day — such as waking up, showering, reading, watching TV or doing schoolwork — can reestablish order and productivity. Sticking to a schedule can help fill the long hours, and even if it isn’t strictly adhered to, it can be a way to keep life running normally in this time of uncertainty.

Organize or clean 

Cleaning may seem like the last thing someone would want to do on a free day, but studies conducted by organizations such as Psychology Today, show it can be therapeutic. Organizing that desk drawer that’s always overflowing, wiping out the fridge or taking time to dust off all of those high shelves can be an effective way to recapture a sense of control. It can help make one feel productive and remind them to stay thankful for all the things they still have. Not only will cleaning feel useful and help time pass faster, but it may also make for a happier and healthier quarantine for everyone living in the house.


If one’s feeling overly anxious or worried about the COVID-19 virus and the quarantine, one activity they might consider during their days at home is mediation. Sitting down for just a few minutes a day and doing some deep breathing, mind clearing and introspective thinking has been proven to help decrease stress levels and make people happier, according to experts at Mayo Clinic. For meditation veterans, this is a good time to start trying new techniques or ways to relax, while those new to the meditation game have the perfect chance to build a healthy relaxation routine.